Tuesday, March 24, 2020

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I hope this finds you well during this difficult time. At a time where we are usually
reuniting with friends and continuing our year, we are instead faced with uncertainty.
Please know I'm thinking of all of my students and their families and am here to help
you in any way I can. 
If you are looking for educational activities for your children, they can work on their
assignments on Hapara, Book Creator or Mathletics. Students can read books and
fill in the new reading logs that focus on various reading strategies in Hapara. In math
they can continue working on multiplication and division. Encourage your child to
practice by working on various assigned Mathletics activities. Please note that the
students were provided with a journal notebook and a spiral math practice book for
a no tech option. Parents are encouraged to help or guide their children as needed!     
The most important thing right now is to stay positive, stay healthy and stay home!
I truly hope we can overcome this crisis as a community and meet again before too
long. I miss all my students and hope to see everyone soon!
Take care and reach out if there's anything you're wondering about! I'll do my best
to help you!

Mrs. Akkawi : )